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Printable Form W-9 Vallejo California: What You Should Know

For the last few years, Vallejo has had the largest portion of the estimated tax refund fraud, and is also the most fraud-ridden city in California, with an estimated 150 million in estimated taxes fraud in 2010. That's a lot of money, but I'm sure a lot is also stashed in the local laundromats and in other places that aren't on our radar. One of the main reasons why my city is so hot for this is because it lies directly on the border of three of the five big cities. It is not hidden by the thicket of sprawl. The City of Vallejo has done a great job of keeping the public from discovering these things, and there are two reasons. 1. There was a lot less effort to hide the fraud, and there are smaller jurisdictions that are willing to take the risk. 2. The City does not have to submit tax records unless they are requested. My city is also about ten to fifteen years behind the most fraud-ridden cities for other reasons too. Vallejo is actually fairly old, and it is not necessarily β€œnew” to the business of fraud. I can look through my computer and I can show you numerous business entities and other people that have stolen and converted business assets (including mine!) for financial gain without ever being caught. It's a business that has been around forever. So now that everyone that is involved in the city's tax fraud is well-known, why don't we go talk to the police and prosecutors and to the media. Why don't we go to the public defender? Because when Vallejo has the most fraud investigated in California, they have not been successful (in the last few years, I've heard very few reports about arrests and convictions of Vallejo's tax fraudsters). Even though I'm sure that there are some very experienced tax fraudsters in the city, no one wants to be on the bad guys' bad side. The IRS and other officials are already suspicious, and they can easily be a target of the criminals, because they will have been working with the criminals for a long time. Why don't we go to the City Attorney and City Council? Because I am confident that no city attorney in California has been able to do what I've described above for several decades. When I got started in tax fraud (back in 1981) the City Attorney was the City's Chief of Police β€” he wasn't even a prosecutor.

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